Sunday, February 24, 2013

Inter-manosphere Interview Part 1

Today I listened to Cock Rock Mag's Interview of Paul Elam.

For my first post I must say it's fairly a minor blip on my radar of important life events, yet it struck a chord in me that I  feel was sufficient enough to merit the creation of my new blog (especially since I deactivated my Facebook account).

The main thing I got from this interview was that, Palm Elam holds women to the same standards as men, which on paper sounds good, yet I believe "Cock Rock" (The guy doing to interview who I forgot his actual name) is right when he says, that the principles of biology state that women are UNABLE to meet the same standards that men are expected to meet based purely on biology, meaning women are inherently unequal to men.

So basically Paul Elam is for equality, which is inherently impossible, so he will never be satisfied with women.  He will always hold unrealistically high expectations of women and therefore never be able to form any kind of functional relationship with them.

I'm tired so my first post is coming to an end.  I will either continue this topic within my next few posts or abandon this topic completely.  You'll just have to wait and see how I feel. : / .....Hello 4 AM!

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